James LeBreton

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Professional Bio
James M. LeBreton is a Professor of Psychology at Pennsylvania State University. His research focuses on the theory and measurement of implicit motives (e.g., motive to aggress; motive to achieve; motive for power) and understanding how implicit motives are related to both work outcomes (e.g., counterproductive work behavior, leadership, team performance) and non-work (e.g., health & well-being, social relationships, risk-taking) and non-work outcomes . James has published several book chapters and a number of peer-reviewed articles [in outlets including Aggressive Behavior, Current Directions in Psychological Science, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Journal of Personality Assessment, Personality and Individual Differences, Psychological Methods, and Psychological Science]. In addition, James has co-authored a book that summarizes his 15-year research program related to the theory and measurement of the implicit personality. He is also serving as a co-editor on the forthcoming APA Handbook of Multilevel Theory, Measurement, and Analysis. His research has been supported by the U.S. Army Research Institute, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, the National Institute of Drug Abuse, and the Office of Naval Research.